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Group work School children in Burundi


Public-sector agencies all over the world are faced with increasingly uncertain environments and limited resources.

Our experts advise on policies and strategies, assess and enhance structures, improve management skills and arrangements, establish financial systems, develop information and monitoring tools, improve human resources management, and arrange training.

Mott MacDonald also helps organizations focus on their goals and responsibilities and develop the tools for measuring and improving their performance.

By using internal monitoring systems directly linked to forward planning and continued learning, we assist with performance measurement. We also advise clients on external monitoring, through which clients and partners express their needs, priorities, and views.

Our international development services in governance include these:

  • Civil service reform
  • Decentralization and devolution at various levels
  • Developing public-private partnerships
  • Development and implementation of management information systems
  • Human resources management, design, and training
  • Improving governance and accountability
  • Public administration reform
  • Organizational review and performance improvement planning
  • Performance auditing, benchmarking, and monitoring
  • Policy analysis and strategy development
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