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View of the completed Isle of Man runway extension with armoured revetment


Mott MacDonald collaborates closely with our clients to deliver cost-effective and sustainable port solutions, selecting the best location, layout and configuration of breakwaters to create ideal harbour conditions.

Our coastal engineers employ traditional approaches to breakwater design supplemented by numerical modeling and where necessary, physical modeling, to plan and optimise breakwater layout and configuration. We maintain an up-to-date knowledge of design developments in the use of rubble mound, berm-type and reef breakwater techniques and in the use of concrete armour units.

Some of our recent breakwater projects include:

  • Hartlepool, UK – Concept, detailed design and supervision of construction of a new south breakwater using Accropode concrete armour and the rehabilitation of the existing north breakwater for the new marina
  • Ennore Port, India – Technical and supervision assistance for the construction of the new Accropode armoured breakwater
  • Hassyan, UAE – Outline design of rubble mound breakwaters for the intake and outfall to the new power station
  • Ruwais, UAE – Detailed design of rock armoured breakwaters to the outfall for the expansion of the Ruwais Refinery
  • Isle of Man, UK– The new airport runway extension included a 700m long rubble mound revetment seawall extending 250m seaward and the slope protected with very large rock armour weighing up to 40T to 45T
  • Marine Terminal, Turkey – pre-FEED study for a harbour formed with rubble mound breakwater to accommodate vessels for exporting sulphur in bulk form, general cargo vessels and service crafts
  • Pulau Laut, Indonesia – detailed design and preparation of contract documents for a new marine facility for the loading of gas oil to small coastal barges, including approximately 200 metres of rubble mound breakwater

Many of our projects include the numerical modelling of waves and the study of harbour disturbance to determine the optimum orientation and the design parameters for the breakwater and to assess down time for operations of the terminals due to the sea conditions within the harbour. Our application of the latest modelling, techniques,using our in-house MIKE 21 technology, guides our recommendations on breakwater and quay alignment and design, and dredging and reclamation needs.

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