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15 November 2016

Mott MacDonald signs enterprise framework agreement with Shell

Engineering, management and development consultancy Mott MacDonald has signed an enterprise framework agreement with Shell to provide enabling infrastructure works (EIW). The purpose of the framework agreement is for Mott MacDonald to supply multidisciplinary services to non-hydrocarbon projects within the Shell portfolio.

The new EIW framework aims to provide simple and cost-effective infrastructure delivery services to Shell through 18 primary operation centres. Mott MacDonald will offer design, engineering and management services across a broad range of sectors including transport, energy, buildings and environment.

Keith Howells, Mott MacDonald Group chairman said: "This is a fantastic opportunity to bring together our experts from around the world to support Shell’s business. Our progressive use of building information modelling, geographical spread and global design centres showcase our capabilities to deliver world-class, innovative and cost-effective solutions.”

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