Locale : Global (English)
Highway through Kenya Landscape with dusty in the air caused by cars driving on the road

From back road to fast lane

With over 160,000km of roads to manage and maintain, Kenya’s roads authorities needed guidance to prioritise investment, standardise methods, achieve consistency and drive efficiency.

ClientMinistry of Transport, Infrastructure, Housing & Urban Development (with support from the European Union)
ExpertiseTechnical assistance for development and implementation of management strategy, policy and institutional reforms.

We guided and supported our client to develop and implement a road infrastructure asset management system, and produced an options paper for setting up a core road management system complete with recommendations, budgets and time scales for implementation.

This included a network database and systems for pavement management, routine maintenance management and business management. We also developed and delivered:

  • A draft level of service system linked to the road hierarchy
  • A programme and documentation for delivering asset management using performance-based contracts and public private partnerships (PPP)
  • Metrics to assess the roads authorities’ readiness and capability in asset management and PPP
  • Training in asset management including risk management

Work is ongoing, but the future for Kenya’s roads sector is more certain now the foundations of an effective and efficient approach to road asset management and maintenance have been established.

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