Social, political, environmental and economic factors all have an impact on the delivery of major projects and programmes.
In an uncertain world with new challenges from extreme weather events, skilled worker shortages and the fluctuating cost of materials, projects face an increasing number and frequency of risks. Successful delivery also requires satisfying a wider range of stakeholders and achieving a broader set of outcomes.
Risk management and planning are two ways that we can help you navigate these uncertainties and drive success throughout the lifecycle of your project.
We use a tailored approach to identify, assess and control sources of project uncertainty and create resilient, adaptable plans that help you deliver programmes and projects with successful outcomes.
We offer:
Proactive risk management
A proactive approach is designed to address the tangible risks alongside the underlying constraints and assumptions involved in delivery.
Robust and realistic planning
Project owners need a high degree of confidence that the project team will deliver the expected outcomes with the time and resources available, and have the flexibility and resilience to respond to setbacks.
Clear and regular communication
With all project stakeholders it is important to clarify responsibilities and accountabilities, making sure you are consulting with the right people to keep everyone informed.
New Quito International Airport, Ecuador. We provided a comprehensive range of technical, commercial and critical risk management services to this airport project. With the site surrounded by active volcanoes, and topography making a phased opening impossible, risk management and scheduling were crucial.
We have an experienced network of risk and planning professionals, with many of them holding chartership or accreditation from the Association for Project Management, Institute of Risk Management or the Project Management Institute.
We have provided risk and planning services to some of the largest and most complex projects and programmes across the world. Some of our recent work has included: