Locale : Global (English)

United Kingdom / Transport Planning Technician Apprenticeship

Why you chose an apprenticeship?

An apprenticeship enables me to acquire valuable skills and experience a lot quicker than coming into the industry VIA the traditional university route. After year 11, university didn’t necessarily appeal to me and I think I have benefited from getting into employment earlier because it means there is a lot of potential for me to progress my career quickly.

What do you like about doing an apprenticeship?

I enjoy feeling part of a team but also feel that I add value to the wider company. I learn something new every day and each day is different. I also like the idea of ‘Earn while you learn’!

What has your proudest moment been since joining Mott MacDonald?

My proudest moment since joining Mott MacDonald was when I passed my EngTech MICE (Member of the Institute of Civil Engineers) review and was consequently promoted from an apprentice to a technician. Receiving MICE status with the Institute meant that my hard work over the last few years had paid off and that the industry formally recognised my abilities - which for my age, as a 19-year-old, meant a great deal to me.

Future Goals?

I am hoping to start the Transport Planning BSc Degree Apprenticeship at Aston University in September 2022.

Meg Pearson

I enjoy feeling part of a team and the feeling that comes from adding value to the wider company.

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