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United Kingdom / Transport / Senior electrical & plant engineer

Timothy Granger

Timothy cycled alongside his friend raising money for Martin House children's hospice which was extremely special and important to their hearts. It was hard going, especially across the hills of Northumberland into a strong head of wind for both days. But over 2 days, about 21 hours on the bike and 3 punctures later, they were welcomed back into York by friends and family. Timothy and his friend raised £3500 for a great cause.

"Everyone was very friendly and really keen to help me learn and develop."

Why did you join Mott MacDonald?

I joined Mott MacDonald because of the incredible variety of sectors which the company operates in and the diversity of the projects I could be working on. As a new graduate I wasn't exactly sure which sector I wanted to work in so chose a company that did them all!

What was your first impression of the people at Mott MacDonald?

Everyone was very friendly and really keen to help me learn and develop. The team I'm in was only 5 people when I first joined but has now grown to 15 whilst keeping the same ethos of sharing the work and supporting each other’s development.

What's the best thing you've learnt about Mott MacDonald?

There are lots of really fascinating and innovative projects across the world which Mott MacDonald are involved in. Lots of these may never be in the press but I'm proud to work for a company full of experts in their field. Before joining I also didn't know that along with the engineering consultancy there are large education and development aspect of the business doing excellent work to improve the quality of people’s lives across the world.

What is the best thing to happen since you started working at Mott MacDonald?

The best thing has to be achieving Chartered Engineer status. It involved a lot of hard work over the years but I was encouraged and supported at every stage. I'm now a mentor for a number of graduates and it’s great to be able to pass on the level of support I received and guide them through the accredited training scheme.

When you're not in the office where can you be found?

You'll normally find me out in the garden playing with my two children.

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