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Complying with the Mega Rule

The so-called “Mega Rule” is the largest and most far-reaching rulemaking by the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) in the last two decades. The Mega Rule requires change. Operators will be changing their recordkeeping, operations, and reporting procedures in response to this new rule.

The clock is ticking

When it comes to meeting new compliance requirements, using older compliance methods may not be enough. For pipeline operators, the clock is ticking on meeting the new Mega Rule compliance expectations.

Some operators may be comfortable preparing and executing plans to meet the requirements on their own. Others may be interested in targeted tasks utilizing a subject matter expert team.

Support for the whole compliance cycle

Mott MacDonald has the necessary expertise to make the difference for pipeline operators to meet the new Mega Rule requirements. We assist operators at any stage of the compliance cycle — from program gap analysis to records retention programs, or anywhere in between.

We also work with operators throughout the compliance lifecycle, providing the joined-up thinking needed for the best outcomes. We will work with you to identify and implement practical, cost-effective solutions to meet your needs.

Delivering success

We have extensive knowledge of the various elements of the Mega Rule to fully understand how to meet the compliance requirements.

We have become intimately familiar with the Mega Rule by attending the Federal Advisory Committee meetings and reviewing their transcripts, evaluating the rule preambles for natural gas and hazardous liquids, reviewing and commenting on the Frequently Asked Questions, and examining the Final Rule language itself — so that we can help you be compliant, on time, and on budget.

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