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River weir Cruise ship docked in harbour Aerial view of Falmouth Bay Port


Mott MacDonald’s work in Jamaica goes back over 40 years. Our recent work is primarily in the maritime and power sectors.

$27 million
Maggotty hydropower expansion
6.3 megawatts
current capacity
12.6 megawatts
future capacity


For the Port Authority of Jamaica we provided feasibility study, master planning, outline design, and construction supervision to expand cruise terminal facilities at Falmouth Bay.

We also undertook feasibility and design for the Montego Bay cruise ship terminal. Our team was commissioned to resolve the conflicting demands of cruise and commercial shipping at Montego Bay Freeport. The port reconfiguration saw an existing berth extended and two new berths created for industrial operations, as well as the construction of a new passenger terminal building.


Mott MacDonald has been appointed as designer and technical advisor for a $27 million hydropower expansion project located on the Black River near the town of Maggotty. The expansion will double the existing 6.3-megawatt power capacity of the scheme. Hydropower presents a clean and reliable alternative to oil imports, which Jamaica has historically relied on.

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