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December 15, 2021

Mike Isola named President and CEO for North America

The Executive Board of the global engineering firm Mott MacDonald has appointed Mike Isola as President and CEO for North America, effective January 1, 2022.

Mr. Isola joined Mott MacDonald in 2020, after a career with the Federal Highway Administration, the Michigan Department of Transportation, URS/AECOM, Parsons Corporation, and Bergmann Associates. He was named Regional General Manager for North America in January 2021.

Mr. Isola takes over from Nick DeNichilo, who retires at the end of 2021 after an illustrious 47-year career at Mott MacDonald and its predecessor companies Hatch Mott MacDonald and Killam Associates.

“I am delighted to welcome Mike Isola to the leadership of Mott MacDonald in North America,” said Mr. DeNichilo. “Mike has brought us extensive experience in the public and private sectors, and a solid track record of business management and client and partner relationships nationwide.”

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