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A mother gives her son a piece of fortified bread Teacher and child

Service delivery

In meeting the growing challenges in organising and providing healthcare, health services are constantly seeking to demonstrate operational efficiency and maintain clinical sustainability and financially viability.

We provide a wide range of support to clients, from recommending improvements in the ways of working and strengthening institutional and operational delivery, through to providing direct programme management support.

We have expertise in the delivery of large scale programmes designed to improve health outcomes and transform communities. We provide technical advisory services to enable the effective design of innovative and far-reaching programmes in developing countries, particularly in the area of public health.

In supporting you to continuously improve the operational delivery of care for the benefit of patients, our work focuses on clinical and non-clinical service improvements and clinical service reconfiguration with expertise at a regional, organisational and service level.

Our key areas of focus

Institutional strengthening

We focus on building the capacity of health systems and institutions through a process of joint analysis, diagnosis and agreement on ways forward between our health systems experts, ministries of health, health sector reform units and other development agencies and stakeholders.

We work with you to identify what might be constraining performance and find ways to strengthen it. Solutions might lie in changing structures, management, financing arrangements, human resources, information systems, or how different ministries or departments are connected. We can help you understand the right options for your specific context.

Whatever direction you take, you can be confident that with more than 25 years' in both the public and private health sectors, we have the experience to support you in achieving your ambitions and more.

Service improvement, reconfiguration and productivity

We are passionate about improving the outcomes and experience of patients and bring expertise of service redesign and reconfiguration at a regional, organisational and service level.

Through clinical engagement, data analysis and reviews of best practice evidence, we construct the case for change, make recommendations on effective service models, and profile future scenarios for clinical services, often in the context of challenging financial and political pressures.

Public health

We don’t believe you can strengthen health systems without starting with a focus on disease prevention. We have strong expertise in developing programmes for non-communicable and communicable disease control including HIV, neglected tropical diseases and emerging viral threats.

Our global health security team works with governments to strengthen disease surveillance systems and build laboratory capacity and the human resource to maximise prevention efforts. We have particular expertise in addressing anti-microbial resistance – perhaps the biggest global health threat of our time.

Grant and programme management

We can support you in the delivery of large scale programmes and provide technical advisory services to enable the effective design of innovative and far-reaching solutions.

We have delivered programmes in developing countries in the areas of public health, communicable and non-communicable diseases, nutrition, and maternal, neonatal and child health. We manage for results securing measurable results for the money spent and helping you reorient their focus from inputs and processes to outcomes and impact.

Asset optimisation

We provide support to infrastructure owners and operators to help achieve their strategic objectives by adding long-term value and optimising performance, to the benefit of their customers and their balance sheets.

We help develop planned strategic investment and maintenance so that assets are always in an appropriate condition and operate to the highest efficiency standards and most cost-effective performance regime. We do this by combining our skills in infrastructure planning, design, rehabilitation and maintenance with our global experience in project management, partnering, supervising, funding and finance.

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