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Woman in pink sari washes  hands in Dhaka public toilet Villagers outside public flush lavatories in South Sudan.

Water and sanitation

Water scarcity, poor water quality and inadequate sanitation impact negatively upon food security, livelihood choices and educational opportunities for people across the world.

590,000people living in Accra, Ghana will receive potable water as we support the city’s water company to meet growing demand for reliable water supplies.
500,000people in Bangkok now benefit from safe water since a multistorey sewage treatment works was built to reduce pollution of the city’s waterways.

We help governments and institutions in rural and urban areas build sustainable water solutions.

As countries develop, cities spread and populations grow; providing safe water and sanitation becomes increasingly complex, especially with climate change impacts accelerating. The demands and needs of urban and rural populations vary greatly – from the high tech infrastructure of megacities to upgrading water supplies in slum dwellings and improving basic sanitation and hygiene in rural areas.

Inclusive, accountable, sustainable and climate resilient water and sanitation solutions

  • We have the expertise to plan and design the most adaptable water supply and sanitation solutions for our clients and the people they serve.

  • We support water utilities to run a financially sustainable business, organise their services more efficiently, operate and maintain their assets better, provide tailor-made customer services, and consider the environmental and social impacts of their future investments.

  • We enable our clients to provide accountable and community-based water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) services whether in major cities or rural, isolated communities.

Sanitation is a human right but billions of people have to live without access to toilets or safely managed sanitation services. Download our flyer to find out how we can help you find the right sanitation solution.

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