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Image of air traffic control tower Jaguar in rainforest Aerial view of the solar power plant. Child at school

Latin America and Caribbean

Our diverse portfolio in this region ranges from Ecuador’s newly-opened Mariscal Sucre international airport to sea defences in Guyana, environmental management in Belize and education initiatives in the Caribbean. We’ve established a new operation in Brazil as part of our strategy to create a regional base from where we can expand across South America.

Demonstrating our commitment, we've brought Brazilian environmental consultancy Habtec Engenharia Ambiental into the Group, enabling us to offer all our services to clients, especially for major infrastructure projects in energy, mining and transport.

We've been making our mark on privately financed infrastructure such as power plants in Brazil, Argentina and Mexico and Ecuador’s new international airport at Quito which opened in early 2013. We had acted as lenders’ advisor on the US$460M project since 2002, providing technical, commercial and critical risk management services.
A highlight of our involvement in the water sector includes irrigation and drainage rehabilitation in coastal Guyana where we assessed sustainability factors including materialsusage, financial affordability and the impacts of El Niño.

We have also contributed to the region’s health sector. Our health specialists helped Bolivia’s government develop a family and community health policy, designed to improve poor people’s access to primary healthcare.
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