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18 June 2021

Maria Manidaki nominated to Green Construction Board

Maria Manidaki, Mott MacDonald’s global technical lead for net-zero, has been invited to join the Green Construction Board (GCB) in the UK. With colleagues from across the industry, Maria will be supporting the GCB and working with its members in driving forward the agenda for the reduction of carbon in infrastructure and the built environment.

A workstream of the Construction Leadership Council, the GCB was established in 2012 to help implement the actions set out in the Low Carbon Construction Action Plan. It brings together representatives from across the industry and from governmental departments to overcome barriers to the delivery of a zero-carbon, zero-waste built environment. Its sessions are regularly attended by government officials from the Department of Business, the Ministry of Housing, the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, and the Infrastructure and Projects Authority.

At Mott MacDonald, Maria is responsible for delivering the net-zero agenda, co-ordinating cross-discipline skills required to help clients meet their net-zero carbon ambitions and providing industry thought leadership. She has provided technical leadership on a number of strategic net-zero carbon and carbon management projects, such as the Water UK net-zero carbon roadmap, the Infrastructure Carbon Review and PAS 2080 and has supported infrastructure clients in the Middle East, Australasia and North America with their decarbonisation ambitions. A chartered engineer with 18 years' experience in infrastructure investment planning, design, carbon and asset management, Maria has worked across the infrastructure value chain.

Commenting on her appointment, Maria said: “I am delighted to be supporting GCB, and the relevant working groups, to move forward the decarbonisation of infrastructure and the built environment in the UK. By acting as a forum that brings together the public and private sectors, the GCB is an important catalyst in the drive for net-zero.”

“For me, this is about bringing about practical and deliverable change to how the industry operates and changing the way we see construction in a future UK net-zero operating environment. Delivering net-zero is a core part of our purpose here at Mott MacDonald and we’re keen to share our insights with the wider industry in order to achieve this.”

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