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15 January 2018

Mott MacDonald and China Gezhouba International Engineering Corporation sign collaboration agreements

Global engineering, management and development consultancy Mott MacDonald has signed global strategic collaboration and framework agreements with China Gezhouba International Engineering Corporation. The contracts bring together two of the world’s leading engineering companies to offer technical expertise across the whole infrastructure sector.

Mott MacDonald operates across six core sectors of advisory, built environment, international development, energy, transportation and water globally. The company combines the skills of over 16,000 multidisciplinary staff working in 140 countries to add value to its client success.

China Gezhouba International Engineering Corporation is a key subsidiary of Energy China Group, a large Chinese design, engineering and construction company involved in the building of power plants, dams, roads and bridges, as well as civil engineering projects in both China and abroad.

Dr Aijuan Wang, power director at Mott MacDonald, said: “China Gezhouba’s businesses cover hydropower, water, transportation and smart cities. The company was the main contractor on the 22,500MW China Three Gorges hydropower plant, the world’s largest hydro scheme. These agreements will strengthen the relationship between our two companies and facilitate collaboration on a range of clean energy and infrastructure projects going forward.”

“Our past and current work with China Gezhouba and Energy China Group demonstrates how we have overcome many traditional east-west cultural barriers. This new partnership showcases the golden era of UK-China relations, facilitates collaboration at its finest and opens up fantastic opportunities for both companies to jointly deliver some of the world’s leading infrastructure,” Aijuan added.

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