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23 February 2015

Mott MacDonald appoints Bernard Craig as South East Asia managing director

Mott MacDonald has appointed Bernard Craig as its new managing director of its South East Asia regional business. He succeeds Peter Carden who has become the consultancy’s director of business process and risk.

Bernard is a chartered civil engineer and has worked at Mott MacDonald for 37 years. Most recently he was manager of the consultancy’s 400-strong buildings and infrastructure business in the south east of England. Prior to this he was manager of the company’s eastern England buildings and infrastructure business. Bernard has been involved in many high-profile projects, including Heathrow Terminal 2B and the Docklands Light Railway in London. He has also worked on the Stephenson Quarter and International Centre for Life in Newcastle and the Sage in Gateshead.

Mott MacDonald’s business in South East Asia goes back 70 years and employs nearly 800 staff in offices across Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Japan, Thailand and Vietnam. The consultancy has been involved in some of the region’s most significant infrastructure developments. This includes providing the design of the Stormwater Management and Road Tunnel in Kuala Lumpur and of three out of five packages of the new Marina Coastal Expressway in Singapore.

The consultancy is currently involved in landmark projects such as Jewel Changi Airport and the first mass rapid transit line in Singapore, the Kuala Lumpur Blue Line metro system in Malaysia and is providing technical assistance for a project that will address water shortages in Bandung in Indonesia. Mott MacDonald is also assisting with the Song Bung 4 hydropower development in Quang Nam Province in central Vietnam.

Commenting on his appointment, Bernard said: “South East Asia is a rapidly growing market which provides huge untapped opportunities for global consultants like Mott MacDonald. We have been in the region for quite some time and have a long track record of successfully delivering projects. Consequently our clients can feel confident when they ask us to help realise their project ambitions.”

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