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05 September 2018

Mott MacDonald appoints Lee Ebbutt as head of airport technology and digitalisation

Mott MacDonald has appointed Lee Ebbutt as its head of airport technology and digitalisation. He will be responsible for further developing the consultancy’s future transport and smart infrastructure service offerings in the aviation sector globally.

With over 25 years’ experience in the aviation IT industry, Lee has a proven track record for identifying and implementing strategic change in large organisations in both the UK and Middle East. He has built and sustained valued relationships with customers, suppliers, stakeholders and executive management at various organisations and has vast experience of delivering large-scale IT transformation programmes in complex, multi-cultural environments.

Lee joins Mott MacDonald from Oman Airports, where he was advisor to the chief information officer. During this time, he was accountable for the delivery and operation of the IT infrastructure, enterprise and airport systems, as well as the integration of four new world-class airport development projects in the Sultanate of Oman including Muscat and Salalah. Lee has also held roles with Ultra Electronics Airport Systems, the British Airports Authority and the London Heathrow Airline Operators Committee.

Graham Bolton, Mott MacDonald’s global practice leader for aviation, said: “Having spent the last three years working with 14 chief information officers as part of Airport Council International’s Standing IT Committee, Lee has been at the forefront of mapping emergent thinking in the aviation sector. We are looking forward to Lee working with our clients to get to the heart of how data analytics and technology can be deployed to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of airport operations today, as well as the concept of operations in the future.”

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