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07 May 2014

Mott MacDonald Bentley named Anglian Water supply chain partner

Mott MacDonald Bentley (MMB) has been named by Anglian Water as a capital delivery partner for the asset management period (AMP) 6. To maximise collaborative working and efficiency, contracts will be proposed for 15 years with a review after each five-year AMP period; one of the longest collaborations in the industry. 

MMB is one of six partners in the new integrated main works capital (IMWC) Alliance, which will deliver water and wastewater, infrastructure and non-infrastructure capital schemes, previously undertaken by the @one Alliance and special projects teams. IMWC is characterised by its focus on 10 key outcomes determined following Anglian Water’s ‘Discover, Discuss, Decide’ customer survey last year. These include priorities such as satisfied customers, a smaller carbon footprint and fair profits. IMWC contractors have also committed to the key outcomes and will work on a total outperformance basis, only recovering head office costs and earning profit when they outperform Anglian Water’s business plan targets.

James Harris, MMB director, said: “This is a particularly pleasing outcome given that Anglian Water has reduced the number of partners they employ by 40%. This shows the strength of our relationship which has been built over the past two AMP periods and the value delivered by our expertise.”

Jason Tucker, head of capital delivery and supply chain management at Anglian Water, said: “We are delighted to sign this agreement which represents a big step forward for us. We want to deliver maximum efficiency and satisfaction for customers and have worked hard to develop a procurement process to select contractors who are committed to the same outcomes as the Anglian Water business plan, which is supported by 93% of our customers. We’re looking forward to working with our new IMWC partners to potentially deliver over £3 billion of investment over the next three AMP periods.”

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