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28 May 2020

Mott MacDonald has published its gender and ethnicity pay gap reports, UK 2019

Mott MacDonald has published its UK gender and ethnicity pay gap reports 2019. This year the consultancy has voluntarily extended reporting to include an ethnicity pay gap. This is to ensure the improved focus, transparency and open dialogue that gender reporting has brought to gender equality efforts are also used to promote ethnic diversity.

Under the methodology set out in regulations from the Government Equalities Office, Mott MacDonald’s median gender pay gap is 18.9%, and its mean gender pay gap is 19.8%. The consultancy’s median gender bonus gap is 8.3% and its mean gender bonus gap is 67.5%.

The consultancy’s ethnicity pay gap has been calculated using the gender pay gap statutory methodology and looks at the overall gap between Black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) and White groups.

Mott MacDonald’s median ethnicity pay gap is 10.4%, and its mean ethnicity pay gap is 13.2%. The consultancy’s median ethnicity bonus gap is 8.2% and its mean ethnicity bonus gap is 54.1%.

Read the full narrative reports below.

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