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14 December 2015

Mott MacDonald signs Paris Pledge for Action

Mott MacDonald has signed the Paris Pledge for Action, committing the company to play its part in cutting carbon emissions and mitigating climate change. The initiative is being championed by Laurent Fabius, the COP21 President and French minister of Foreign Affairs.

The company is keen to see the implementation of the new, universal climate agreement struck at COP21 in Paris and pledges its support to ensuring that the ambition set by the agreement is met or exceeded. Mott MacDonald is joined by an unparalleled movement of global organisations to keep the world on a trajectory that limits the global warming temperature rise to less than 2°C.

The initiative builds further on Mott MacDonald’s commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the built environment. Mott MacDonald is a UK-Green Building Council member and has pledged to provide leadership. It is doing this by influencing its customers and partners to reduce carbon by measuring and driving for reductions and by championing lean solutions, including building information modelling and off-site construction, to minimise carbon emissions, resource use and waste on its projects.

Davide Stronati, Mott MacDonald’s head of sustainability, said: “There is no longer any serious doubt that manmade carbon emissions are the root of this warming and, on our current emissions trajectory, our planet will be 5°C hotter by the end of the 21st century than it was at the start of the 19th. This will make life in many parts of the world unsustainable.”

“Governments are at last pledging action to reduce emissions and negotiations in the run-up to the United Nations’ COP 21 climate talks have been encouraging. By acting now to reduce carbon emissions we can influence the Earth’s climate, and that should be a key priority for everybody involved in operating, designing and delivering infrastructure. Our survival depends on it.”

“Even if we limit global warming to less than 2°C we still need to build resilience right across society to ensure the impacts of climate change do not have detrimental effects on the most vulnerable elements. Mott MacDonald has established a climate resilience initiative to champion our work in this area.”

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