Locale : Global (English)

4 April 2022

Mott MacDonald & Stantec Joint Venture, m2 secures contract extension to provide technical services to Scottish Water for the next three years

Scottish Water has extended its contract with m2, a Joint Venture (JV) between Mott MacDonald and Stantec UK, for the provision of Technical Consultancy Support Services.

The m2 JV will continue to strengthen its collaboration and provide support to the development and delivery of Scottish Water’s Investment Programmes, covering improvement works associated with all Water and Wastewater assets across Scotland for the next three years, with an option to extend for a further three years to February 2028.

m2 will provide a wide range of consultancy services to Scottish Water including strategic advice and asset-related performance improvement services, studies and investigations, modelling, outline design and detailed design, all with the aim of developing both traditional and innovative asset and operational based solutions that bring value to Scottish Water and the communities it serves. In addition, the m2 JV partners will provide support to core functions including Asset Management, Health and Safety, and Digital Transformation services including digital collaborative tools, BIM and GIS.

Simon Crewe, Stantec’s Scotland operations director and framework manager for the m2 JV said: “I’m delighted that our partnership will continue our long-standing relationship with Scottish Water. This extension will provide fantastic opportunities for us to work collaboratively on a range of projects and programmes as well as providing strategic advice, as we support Scottish Water with their three key ambitions for success; Service Excellence, Beyond Net Zero Emissions & Great Value and Financial Sustainability.”

Douglas Luke, Mott MacDonald’s water account leader for Scotland and operations manager for the m2 JV, said “We are delighted be working with Scottish Water again and looking forward to supporting its values and strategic ambitions to deliver high quality and sustainable water to communities. We are looking forward to continuing to build strong long-term relationships with Scottish Water using a collaborative way of working to deliver innovative and efficient business solutions for them and their customers.”

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