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16 September 2015

Mott MacDonald to design new transport link, Australia 

Mott MacDonald has been appointed by Transport for New South Wales to design the proposed Sutherland to Cronulla active transport link in Sydney, Australia. The project is part of Sydney’s Cycling Future, the New South Wales Government’s long-term plan for cycling infrastructure in the state.

The project would provide an efficient and sustainable transport link for pedestrians and cyclists. It would connect various community destinations, as well as linking with multiple railway stations, neighbourhood centres and employment hubs. The project would also incorporate a number of public domain improvements.

Matthew Stephens, Mott MacDonald’s project director, said: “This project will utilise a new standard developed by Transport for New South Wales’ Asset Standards Authority that would allow parts of the link to be located within the rail corridor, though separated from railway infrastructure to ensure safety. It could also act as a model for the development of other active transport links to utilise available space within rail corridors.”

“As part of the design process the project team will consult with key stakeholders, including Sutherland Shire Council, Sydney Trains and the Roads and Maritime Service, to understand their requirements,” Matthew added.

Mott MacDonald’s commission is due to be completed by the end of 2015.

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