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5 December 2018

Three combined cycle cogeneration plants enter commercial operation, Thailand

The final of three gas-fired combined cycle cogeneration plants has successfully entered commercial operation in Amata City Industrial Estate, Rayong province, Thailand. Mott MacDonald was lenders’ technical advisor for the ABPR3, ABPR4 and ABPR5 plants, which will provide much needed additional reliable energy supply to local businesses at a competitive price.

All three of the plants have a capacity of 132MW and are capable of producing 30 tonnes of steam per hour. They have been developed by Amata B. Grimm Power (Rayong) Limited, who have entered into a 25-year power purchase agreement with the Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT). Each plant will sell 90MW of electricity to EGAT and up to 30MW of electricity to industrial users in the area.

As lenders’ technical advisor, Mott MacDonald undertook a technical appraisal, performed a technical due diligence review and monitored construction up to completion of each plant. This included identifying and mitigating the technical risks associated with concerns of the bankability of the gas-fired power projects that financiers, and the borrower, need to be aware of.

Mott MacDonald’s project manager Pakorn Prabhawong said: “These plants have been commissioned as part of the country’s wider national power development plan that aims to achieve 5,922 MW capacity online before 2025. Mott MacDonald has been involved in the development of three plants since 2015, working with Amata B and Grimm Power on other thermal plants previously in the Rayong and Chonburi provinces. We’re extremely proud to see the final plant begin commercial operation.”

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